Welcome to Riverview.
Our vision, inspired by Jesus' words ‘I have come that they may have life – life in all its fullness.’ (John 10:10), is Everyone within our diverse community will flourish...regardless of previous experiences or starting point.
This is brought to life by living out our values of Hope, Trust, Love, Forgiveness and Respect.
Together these demonstrate that every child matters and every moment counts.
Our dedicated team take pride in knowing every child. This is fundamental in enabling all children to learn well. Our school values are “lived out” through everyday life in school where individuals feel respected and loved. We take the time to get to know all our families and children individually, in order that they learn well and succeed. Working closely with parents helps to build upon the skills and attributes that your child has already developed at home…
Tickets for the PTA's Cinema Night will be on sale at drop off and pick up until Thursday this week. They are £5 each. Please bring cash - we cannot accept card. Thank you.
Thanks @sportscoolltd @sportscoolkingstonsouth for putting on a super fun Lego club this afternoon #westewell #epsomandewell #riverviewcofe
Parents and carers of children in Sapphire class are welcome to join us on Thursday this week for their class assembly. The children are excited to show us their ukulele playing!
A reminder that there is NO Dance Club again this week. Dance Club will be back for its final session of the term next week on Wednesday 2nd April.
Lunchbox Builder The importance of packing a healthy lunchbox is immeasurable. Kids are more alert and focused when they're fuelled with healthy food.
Children in Years 1-6 will be taking part in UV dodgeball tomorrow. Please can they wear their PE kits (this is in addition to their usual PE day).
Please remember PE kits and swim kits for Opal's lesson tomorrow morning.
Attendance reminder
There are still Red Noses available. They will be on sale in the front playground at drop off and pick up until they sell out. They are £2 each. Please bring cash.
A reminder that The Little Recyclers clothes collection is tomorrow. Please leave any unwanted, but reusable (in good condition) clothes by the blue benches near the Day Nursery entrance by 9:00. Thank you.