Online safety advice

Please see our latest Online Safety Newsletter in the attachments below.

FUPDATE - Online safety parent workshop

Thank you to the parents who attended the parent workshop. Below are the resources which were shared. If you would like any further information or have any questions, please do contact the school office.

For younger children, using picture books and stories can be a good way of starting a conversation about being safe online. These are suggested books which were shared at the meeting:


Online Digiduck stories (used for KS1) can be downloaded at this website: 

Resources available below:

  • Parent workshop PowerPoint
  • Online safety quizzes which could be used as a discussion starter at home
  • Parent information guide
  • Family online agreement template

Advice and Information 

The following websites provide useful information to parents about online safety:


ThinkUknow - parents

UK Safer Internet Centre

CEOP - Child Exploitation & Online Prevention

Parentzone - guides on keeping your children safe on different apps and games

There are some resources below about how to keep your children safe when online, which includes the SMART rules.

Please use the links to the right to find other resources which can give you information about how to keep your children safe when using the Internet.