The Governing Body of Riverview CofE Primary School & Nursery 2024-2025
The key roles of the governing body are:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
In order to carry out our role efficiently and effectively, the detailed work of the governing body is undertaken by two committees. In addition to attending full governors’ meetings, all governors sit on at least one of the committees which report back to termly meetings of the full governing body, at which broader issues are also discussed and agreed.
The Learning and Progress Committee
Considers and makes recommendations about all issues associated with the successful organisation of the curriculum, including teaching and learning, monitoring and assessing pupil progress, reporting to parents and examination results. It also includes attendance and performance management.
The Resources Committee
Considers annual review of pay policy, recruitment, other personnel issues and safeguarding arrangements. Considers and makes recommendations about all budgetary issues for the school and the Ewell Family Centre including setting and monitoring the budget. Also responsible for overseeing the school ‘Governors' Fund’. Oversees buildings and develops links between the school, parents/carers and the wider community, including our church, our neighbours and statutory authorities.
How to contact us: If you have any feedback you would like to give the governing body, or have any questions regarding the strategic direction of the school, please contact the Chair or Vice Chair of Governors via email: or by telephone 020 8337 1245.
Our Governors are:
Head Teacher - Governor ex officioStart of Term: 1 Sep 2013
Term of Office: IndefiniteCommittee Membership: Learning & Progress Committee; Resources Committee
Special Responsibilities: Head Teacher; Emergency Contact; Key Holder
Interests: None declared
'I am the proud Headteacher of Riverview and have been part of the community for 19 years. I started as a classteacher in Silvers (Year 2) and progressed- Maths Leader, Assistant Headteacher with key stage 2 responsibility and now Headteacher. Why have I been at Riverview for so long? We make a difference. We are a place of trust and safety for the children and their families. The community we serve is diverse and unique and ever-changing. It provides some challenges which creates opportunities for learning something new. I love it here.'
Foundation Diocesan GovernorStart of Term: 1 Sep 2022
End of Term: 31 Aug 2026Committee Membership: Learning & Progress Committee; Resources Committee; Head Teacher’s Appraisal Panel
Special Responsibilities: Chair of Governors; Governor responsible for liaison with the LA in the event of allegation; Leadership; Reading; Emergency Contact; Key Holder
Interests: Academy Governor
'I have been a governor at Riverview for over 25 years, first as a Parent Governor when my own children were here, then as a Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese. In that time there have seen many changes including the addition of the Ewell Family Centre and a complete rebuild, but the school has always kept the children and our community at the heart of everything. I am very proud to lead the governing body team at this wonderful school.
Semi-retired now, I previously worked at Heathrow Airport for 40 years.'
Foundation PCC GovernorStart of Term: 6 Oct 2021
End of Term: 5 Oct 2025Committee Membership: Chair of the Resources Committee; Learning & Progress Committee; Head Teacher’s Appraisal Panel; Pay Committee
Special Responsibilities: Governor responsible for liaison with the LA in the event of allegation; Child Protection against Head Teacher; Safeguarding; Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND); Looked After (LAC)
Interests: Independent Education Consultant
'I have worked in primary education for over 40 years - culminating in 23 years serving as a headteacher in Surrey. Since retirement, I have served as a part-time Diocesan Education Trainer/Consultant and as a tutor in Initial Teacher Training. This experience in, and passion for education led to my desire to serve as a school Governor. As a committed Christian and long-time leader in my local church, I was delighted to be invited to serve as a foundation Governor in this Church of England School, which clearly reflects the ethos, values and aims which reflect my own values.'
Foundation Diocesan GovernorStart of Term: 3 May 2021
End of Term: 2 May 2025Committee Membership: Learning and Progress
Special Responsibilities: Assessment; Maths
Interests: PCC Member of All Saints Church, West Ewell.
'Two of my children were very happy attending Riverview, we really appreciated the supportive Christian ethos of the school and the family atmosphere where the adults knew every child. I bring an analytical and questioning mind to the governor team, having spent 35 years in computing and business analysis. I am a Christian and have attended All Saints Church West Ewell, the neighbouring parish, for the last 25 years.'
Staff GovernorStart of Term: 27 Sep 2022
End of Term: 26 Sep 2026Committee Membership: Resources Committee
Special Responsibilities: Link /Training Governor
Interests: School Business Manager
'I am the School Business Manager and have been employed at Riverview in this role for the past 21 years. I am responsible for all the financial aspects of the school and HR. I prepare the school budget and advise the Governing Body in respect of the financial position of the school, Day Care and Family Centre. I am responsible for HR, including staff contracts and payroll. I was appointed as staff governor in September 2006 and have enjoyed bringing my financial and personnel skills to the Governing Body. My experience adds to the Governing Body to enable informed decisions to be made to get the very best for the school and the community.'
PCC Foundation GovernorStart of Term: 31 Jan 2022
End of Term: 30 Jan 2026Committee Membership: Chair of Learning & Progress Committee
Special Responsibilities: Co-Vice Chair
'My entire career has been spent in education. I have taught Maths at a mixed school in Sutton for three years, a local boys' school for forty years and a girls' school for two years. My interests include playing the piano, walking in London, solving puzzles and watching West Ham! I have been a churchgoer all my life and firmly believe that Christian values of love, respect and tolerance give youngsters a strong foundation so that they can have the best chance of fulfilling their potential and of becoming well-rounded members of society.'
Parent GovernorStart of Term: 17 Sep 2021
End of Term: 16 Sep 2025Committee Membership: Learning & Progress Committee
Special Responsibilities: SEND; Safeguarding
Interests: None declared
'I have been a parent at the school for over five years. I am also a paediatric nurse working shifts at The Royal Marsden Hospital. I love the school; everyone is so caring, loving and supportive. I would like to help and support the school that look after and guide mine and all the other children at Riverview. I feel that being a parent governor is a great way to achieve this.'
Parent GovernorStart of Term: 19 Sep 2023
End of Term: 18 Sep 2027
Committee Membership: Resources
Special Responsibilities: EYFS, KS1 and Co-Vice Chair
'As a parent governor, I am proud of the strong community ethos of the school and how ‘Riverview children’ are respected as individuals and challenged in a way that is appropriate to them. Being part of such a unique school family is important to me, to keep the school’s distinct culture and values at the heart of all that we do, ensuring families are kept informed and communicated in a way that suits their own individualities. Riverview children are encouraged to thrive in a way that is personal to them and bring to the world their own authentic selves.'
GovernorStart of Term: 23 Nov 2023
End of Term: 22 Nov 2027
Committee Membership: Learning & Progress
Special Responsibilities: Pupil Premium, Behaviour & Attendance
'A strong driver in my life is my Faith, which is at the centre of all I do. Both my girls have been through Riverview and I firmly believe the school has given them good grounding in their academic skills as they progressed on to Secondary School. I enjoy quizzing, going to the Races, crafting, and am passionate about mental health and wellbeing for young people.'
PCC Foundation GovernorStart of Term: 26 Jan 2024
End of Term: 25 Jan 2028
Committee Membership: Resources
Special Responsibilities: Community Links
'I have been a member of Ruxley Church for 47 years and have been involved in the youth organisations there, helping out with Girls' Brigade, which my Wife ran, and the Boys' Brigade, and helping out with the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. I worked for British Gas for 30 years as a service engineer, then became a self-employed heating engineer. In the last 5 years before retiring, I worked in a day centre with people in the early stages of dementia. I love reading books and listening to music. Being a Christian, I enjoy sharing my faith with other people.'
Previous Governors TRACEY ROBBINS
Associate MemberStart of Term: 7 March 2016
Resigned: 31 March 2024
Committee Membership: Resources Committee (Voting rights)
Special Responsibilities: Ewell Family Centre Manager
Foundation Diocesan GovernorStart of Term: 1 June 2021
Resigned: 22 June 2024Committee Membership: Resources Committee
Special Responsibilities: Personal Development and Wellbeing
Interests: FreelyGive Ltd – Shareholder; Grosvenor Britain & Ireland - Employee
Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education (3) and the Parochial Church Council of the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi, Ewell (3). One additional Foundation Governor is ex-officio.
Parent Governors are elected by other parents at the school.
The Staff Governor is elected by other members of staff at the school.
The Local Authority Governor is nominated by the local authority, appointed by the Governing Body.
The Head Teacher is a Governor ex-officio.
Associate Members do not have voting rights on the full governing body, but may vote in committees.
Additional Information.
The Head Teacher is an ex-officio member of the Learning & Progress and Resources committees.
The Clerk to the Governing Body is: Lynn Atkins
The 2024-25 Governing Body meetings will be held on the following dates:
- Monday 16th September 2024 (Setting Committees)
- Monday 11th November 2024 (Autumn FGB)
- Monday 3rd March 2025 (Spring FGB)
- Monday 7th July 2025 (Summer FGB)
All meetings start at 5.00pm in the school. Anyone wishing to attend must give two weeks' notice to the school office (
Our meeting minutes
Previous minutes are available upon request from the School Office.
Governor Attendance for 2023/24
- Mercy Atkins - 12/13 meetings
- Elaine Letchford - 13/13 meetings
- Vivienne Aitchison - 13/13 meetings
- David Senneck - 9/9 meetings
- Valerie Bradfield - 3/4 meetings
- Jo Sander - 7/9 meetings
- Hugh Proctor - 8/9 meetings
- Julia Argyle - 4/9 meetings
- Holly Igglesden - 5/8 meetings
- Denise Breen - 6/8 meetings
- Martin Bridger - 4/6 meetings
- Tracey Robbins - 2/3 meetings