Careers Programme Information

Riverview CofE Primary and Nursery School recognises the important role that is played by primary schools in enabling children to have high aspirations about their future through independent and impartial careers advice. As a school, we endeavour to provide children with a range of meaningful experiences, visits and visitors that teach them about the world of work and provide information about future careers.

Our aims:

  • To provide a structure for careers education at Riverview CofE Primary & Nursery School.
  • To ensure that children experience meaningful interaction with the world of work annually.
  • To ensure that by the time that children transfer to secondary education they have knowledge of a range of careers.
  • To ensure that when children transfer to secondary school they are ready for the next stage in their education, being equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge, thus preparing them for the world of work which lies ahead.

Our careers offer has been developed and takes into account the Gatsby Foundation research and guidance benchmarks issued from the Department of Education on Careers.

These benchmarks are:

Benchmark 1: A Stable Careers Programme
Benchmark 2: Learning from Career and Labour Market Information
Benchmark 3: Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil
Benchmark 4: Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers
Benchmark 5: Encounters with Employers and Employees
Benchmark 6: Experiences of Workplaces
Benchmark 7: Encounters with Further and Higher Education
Benchmark 8: Personal Guidance

The way we have organised our approach to careers is to teach it in focussed careers blocks at the end of the summer terms. We also do this when we teach specific units of work that the children are mature enough to understand the content of, so that it fits in with natural transition points within the school year.

We try to ensure that children are given a wide range of experiences of careers through our curriculum offer. These include: police officers, fire officers, medical professionals, vets, sports coaches, dancers/ gymnasts, politicians, builders, members of the armed services and workers from the hospitality and entertainment industries. Members of our wider school community support us with the delivery of this. Pupils also carry out age-appropriate tasks about wishes for their future careers during PSHE lessons. This is built on in upper Key Stage 2 during the second half of the summer term. We hold an ‘Enterprise Week’ during which the children are given a budget and a project to complete.

Below you will find a document which outlines our long-term planning to careers.