
Choosing the right school for your child is a most important decision. We welcome visits from prospective parents/carers and their children. These are arranged for groups in the Autumn term of the year prior to admission or individually at other times. When you have decided that you would like your child to come to Riverview CofE Primary and Nursery School, we ask you to complete an admission form by the closing date before your child is due to start school, and return it to the Local Authority. Later you will be advised by the Local Authority if your application is successful. Children start in Reception class in September. 


The application process for Reception places opened on 30th October 2024, and if your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, then you needed to have applied for a place for them by 15th January 2025.  If you have not applied by this date, your application may be considered as a late application.

For a small number of summer born children, parents may feel that it would be appropriate if their child’s admission to Reception were delayed until the following year, meaning that if a place could be offered, the child would be educated outside their chronological age group.  Parents should discuss any concerns with the Headteacher prior to submitting an application, which must be accompanied by evidence clearly demonstrating such a need. Governors will make their decision in the main round of admissions, always acting in the best interests of the child and taking the circumstances of each case into account, particularly the views of the Headteacher. Reasons for their decision will subsequently be set out for parents.  Please note, however, that the school cannot guarantee or ‘hold open’ a Reception place for the following year’s entry. Please also note that there is no right of appeal if a place is offered that is not in the parents’ preferred age group.


If you would like your child to join Riverview during the academic year, please use the following link to complete an In-Year Transfer form on Surrey County Council's website.

Alternatively, please contact Surrey's School and Childcare Service on 0300 200 1004, if you would like a paper copy of the form or for further information.

You will be notified of the outcome of your application within 21 days.


Please see Appeals information under the "Main School Admissions" tab on the right of this page.


Please see the link below to the Parish map.  A printable version of the parish map is attached below.

If you have any questions or queries, please phone the Contact Centre for Parents on 0300 200 1004 (9am-5pm), or you can find information on the Surrey County Council website at